They wasted no time in getting me involved in work at the
hospital. I was on-call yesterday, my first day here. Initially, I wondered if
that might mean “you’re on your own,” but thankfully it did not. I worked with
a doctor who will soon finish his two-year commitment in Togo, just as I will
start mine a little more than a year from now (after language school in
For the most part, nothing has come as a surprise. I have
had some limited exposure to medical missions and have otherwise thought quite
a lot about it over the past ten years. Resources are limited and out of date,
the diseases are unfamiliar, and the organization skills of local medical staff
are…different. All expected. I was also mentally prepared to see suffering and
death out of proportion to what I see in practice back home. And yet, nothing
can make it real as much as the experience itself. To some extent, I have
already developed some ability to leave the emotion of each encounter when it’s
time to move on to the next patient or to go home and be with family, and I
have very often prayed over patients while I’m listening to the heart or
working on the spine or when they are in surgery. I prayed a lot yesterday.
Being on call here is similar to what call is like at home.
The on-call physician is responsible for a certain population of people who may
need medical attention, he is called when needed, and makes rounds on his
patients. There are no pagers here. If the doctor is not in the hospital, he
needs to be available in one of a couple places where there is a phone. But
then, why wouldn’t the doctor be in the hospital? Here rounds start early just
as in most places, but we were covering the “intensive care unit” as well as
men’s ward and women’s ward. The pediatrician is home for a few months, so we
covered the pediatric ward as well. On top of that, the doctor I was working
with is one of only a few who takes care of maternity/obstetrics, so of course
we covered that too. Thank God, there is a short term family doctor who is
helping with maternity and a surgeon who helped with C-sections. People come to
this hospital from all over the country and from surrounding countries. This
hospital has become the place to go if other western clinics and witch doctors have
failed. This tends to mean that many of the patients are very sick.
We started with the patients in the intensive care unit. One
with HIV and other related diseases, one with sickle cell crisis, another in
heart failure, and the last with significant back pain. We work on each patient
as a team which lends itself to excellent education for me as well as to a very
lengthy process in general. The lady with back pain had fallen six months prior
and was having difficulty with bowel movements since. I was able to spend some
time practicing osteopathic medicine on her (for the medical people, aimed at
lumbosacral and SI joint). She was in significant pain with the gentlest touch.
Nothing I tried was able to get her muscles to relax. I started praying for her
aloud despite her inability to understand me. That’s when her muscles began to
relax. She no longer jumped in pain when I touched her back. Praise God!
Hopefully her bowel function will improve. We went to the men’s ward and women’s
ward and treated people with malaria, typhoid fever, and hepatitis C. We were
not able to finish in the pediatric ward before being called to check on a
woman trying to deliver a second twin. It was evident that the baby was not
getting good oxygen, so the mother was taken to surgery for C-section. It took
quite a while for the family doctor and surgeon to get the baby out as the baby
was not in a good position (transverse). Three of us: the doctor I was working
with, a short-term missionary physician assistant, and I received the baby
after delivery. She was not breathing and her heart was only barely beating.
Understand that this is not a typical part of my work at home in America. I was
fervently praying for the life of this child as we tried to resuscitate her. Praise
God! She began breathing on her own after 3-4 minutes (this is an eternity). A
second C-section after lunch went much more smoothly. Praise God for that too!
The pediatric ward is seven beds in one small room with only
two monitors for tracking vitals. It seems that these beds are always full of
children, usually babies up through 2-3 years old. Most of them are being
treated for anemia and malaria. Many have parasites or other infections on top
of that. One little boy came in with a type of cancer called lymphoblastic
lymphoma. He did not respond to treatment given in the past and is considered palliative/comfort
care. He had a bloody nose and his right eye was swollen and protruding from
his face. I am unsure if there is a tumor or bleeding. Towards evening, two very small children came
who both seemed to be having seizures and were neither of them breathing very
well. Please keep breathing. My
prayer for these beautiful children was the same I pray over my own children.
That they would be healed. That they would be safe. That God would use them mightily
in His kingdom. The little boy was doing much better this morning. The little
girl is with Jesus now. I praise God for that too.
The hospital lives up to my expectations. The compound is
very nice and the medical facility, although thoroughly substandard, is
actually much better off than many other places in this part of the world. The
doctors here truly do good work with what resources they have. However,
medicine is not the reason we are here. It was never the reason for coming. It’s
not why I even went through medical school. Christ is the reason we are here. His
love is so great and big that we cannot keep it to ourselves. Medicine is only
one of many ways to share his love and open avenues for sharing the gospel.
This hospital is run as a ministry. We pray as a group over every patient in
the hospital. The ministers work with patients just as the doctors do. I am
excited to learn the language and be able to pray with these people in French
and to build relationships with patients and the workers here. I can’t wait to
share Christ with people. Many of the patients and their family members pray
with us when we pray for them. There are Muslims and many of animistic
religion. There are many who mix religions and still worship ancestors and fear
magic. We know Christ is greater and that His perfect love casts out all fear.
I am optimistic about our trip here as well as for our two
years here later on. I foresee a lot of work, fatigue, difficulty, and frustration,
but that sounds like life anyway. Christ has called us here for this time. Pray
that we would continue to have the hearts of true servants to the missionaries
and people here. Pray for health and strength for us. Pray that we would be
overcome by the love of Jesus and that our words and deeds would reflect his
perfect love. He is the one who changes
hearts and minds beyond our understanding. May He be glorified.
“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love
does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek
its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but
rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things. Love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Tomorrow I may get to work in the clinic after hospital
rounds. Clinic is closed on Wednesdays and today (Thursday) was a national
holiday in Togo. So far the greatest danger I have faced is falling mangos.
Becca has been busy meeting other missionaries and helping them in their
various ministries. I’m sure she will have an update. I do hope to get out and
take some pictures soon. I’m unsure if I will be able to upload them, as the
internet here is intermittent and cannot handle too much data. When you think
to pray for us, pray for the other doctors and missionaries here as well. The lifestyle
is interesting and exotic in many ways, but there are numerous challenges as
with any ministry or mission.
Blessings to you all.
In Christ,
Dr. Seth
Being a retired nurse, I wish I was there to see and help! We are sending many prayers. Thank you for the update.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this excellent update, Seth. Continuing to pray for you all.